【引用】Happy birthday! My friend-Corrinne May

Birthday greeting for a friend


May happiness be with you, always by your side!
May all your wishes come true...
Wish you on your ways all the best!
Just to keep you smiling all year through!
Happy Birthday!
My friend...


Happy birthday
Don't worry about that extra line 別擔心又一條皺紋
That's creeping up upon your face 爬上你的臉龐
It's just a part of nature's way 這只是自然的一種方式
To say you've grown a little more 告訴你又長了一歲
Trees have rings and thicker branches 樹有年輪和更粗壯的枝
Kids shoes get a little tighter 孩子的鞋卻變得小了。
Every year we're getting closer to who we're gonna be 每一年我們都更接近那個我們將要成為的人
It's time to celebrate the story of how you've come to be 現在該慶祝的,是你成長的故事

Happy birthday my friend 我的朋友,生日快樂
Here's to all the years we've shared together 為我們一起分享的所有歲月乾杯
All the fun we've had 為我們一起分享的樂趣
You're such a blessing 你是我生命中上天的恩賜
Such a joy in my life 我生命中的歡樂
May the good Lord bless you 願上帝保佑你
And may all your dreams come true 使你所有的夢想成真。

So light a candle on your cake 所以在你的蛋糕上點一支蠟燭吧,
For every smile you've helped create 為了你激發的每一個微笑,
For every heart and every soul 為了你認識的每一顆心,每一個靈魂
You've known to grow a little more 都成長了一點
A few more pounds, a little more grey 多了幾磅的重量,增了幾分滄桑
Don't count the years just count the way 不在年華,只在路徑
It takes a little time to go from water into wine 些許時間,才能將水釀成美酒,
Don't ever lose the wonder of the child within your eyes 千萬別丟失了你眼中的童真。

Happy birthday my friend 我的朋友,生日快樂
Here's to all the years we've shared together 為我們一起分享的所有歲月乾杯
All the fun we've had 為我們一起分享的樂趣
It's such a blessing 你是我生命中上天的恩賜
Such a joy in my life 我生命中的歡樂
May the good Lord bless you 願上帝保佑你
And may all your dreams come true 使你所有的夢想成真。

I'm looking out the window
Where we sat to watch the stars
There's a chill within the air
It makes my heart long for your touch


Corrinne May能讓美國70年代著名Folk rock(民謠搖滾), Pop(流行音樂)歌手及作曲家Carole King,(曾唱紅Will You Love Me Tomorrow、The Reason等歌)及Carole Bayer Sager,共同創作的“If You Didn't Love Me”此首歌曲的產生,並能由著名製作人Baby Face、David Foster等人播報歌曲創作比賽中報捷,便知其創作歌曲功力。

而其飄渺溫潤嗓音,有如Cello喜愛之加拿大創作歌手Sarah McLachlan(日記有介紹),好友們聽聽其歌曲有似Acoustic的音樂曲風,使用簡單的Piano、Guitar、String伴奏,襯托其獨特空靈飄逸嗓音,擄獲包含Cello及大家的內心。

Corrinne May 原名:Corrinne Foo May Ying 中文名稱為符美雲(1973.1.19.),出生於新加坡,1996年進入美國Boston Berklee School of Music就讀,Corrinne May從求學期間至畢業後就移居洛杉磯,專職音樂的創作,就外顯其優異的創作才華,而其文學基礎配合東方內顯情感,其柔緩的曲調能撫慰飄泊遊子及都會中孤獨不安的心靈。

好友跟Cello今晚就隨Corrinne May的歌曲傾情訴說,觸動心靈,跌入心頭。

Same Side of The Moon月亮的同一面

I'm looking out the window 我向外望去,穿過輕輕的窗
Where we sat to watch the stars 那是我們曾經並肩坐著,一起看星的地方
There's a chill within the air 夜風帶著陣陣微涼
It makes my heart long for your touch 我的心想念你的碰觸,溫柔像月光一樣
You may be miles away 或許你仍在千里之外的遠方
But as I kneel to pray 但只要跪下祈願
I see the same side of the moon 我就能看見月亮的同一面
That we'll be looking on 和你一起看見月亮的同一面
When the world turns blue 在這世界變得更加深沉之前
And know that time and space 我堅信不論是時間還是空間
Can't come between me and you 都無法將你我的距離變得遙遠

We share the same side of the moon 我們看見了月亮的同一面
And though you'll never see 雖然你永遠都不會瞭解
All my tears shine through 滴落的淚珠如星光般耀眼
I know I can't be that far from you 我知道我已無法離開你的身邊
If we're both 如果我們都能
looking on the same side of the moon 看見月亮的同一面

I picture you across the oceans 穿山越嶺,我想念著你的容顏
In your corner of the world 而在你卻站在世界的盡頭,靜默無言
I pray the wind will blow my voice 求風帶走我聲音裏的眷戀
And gently whisper in your ear 將所有的溫柔吹到你的耳邊
Your night may be my day 就算你的夜晚變成我的白天
And though the seasons change 哪怕四季更迭
It's still the same side of the moon 我們還是能看見月亮的同一面
That we'll be looking on 一起看見月亮的同一面
When the world turns blue 在這世界變得更加深沉之前
And know that time and space 我堅信不論是時間還是空間
Can't come between me and you 都無法將你我的距離變得遙遠

We share the same side of the moon 我們看見了月亮的同一面
And though you'll never see 雖然你永遠都不會瞭解
All my tears shine through 滴落的淚珠如星光般耀眼
I know I can't be that far from you 我知道我已無法離開你的身邊
If we're both 如果我們都能
looking on the same side of the moon 看見月亮的同一面

I know I can't be that far from you 我知道我已無法離開你的身邊
If we're both 如果我們都能
looking on the same side of the moon 看見月亮的同一面


It’s a long, long journey 人生如漫漫旅途
Till I know where I’m supposed to be 除非我尋覓到我的人生方向
It’s a long, long journey 我這一生的前路真是如此漫長坎坷
And I don’t know if I can believe 因我還不知道能否會相信
When shadows fall and block my eyes 尤其當陰暗來臨、阻擋了我的視線
I am lost and know that I must hide 身陷迷茫我必須尋找躲藏之處
It’s a long, long journey 我這一生的旅途必定是前路漫漫
Till I find my way home to you 直到我這迷途羔羊回到禰身邊——我心靈的家

Many days I’ve spent 我浪費的時光已悄然流逝
Drifting on through empty shores 在空濛的海岸之間飄蕩來回
Wondering what’s my purpose 尋覓著我人生的目的
Wondering how to make me strong 探索著使自己堅強之道
I know I will falter know I will cry 答案卻是我一生必定有脆弱與哭泣的時刻
I know You’ll be standing by my side 然而我也知道禰會一直陪伴著我

It’s a long, long journey 在這前路漫漫、迷茫的一生裏
And I need to be close to You 我必需緊緊靠近禰、與禰同行
Sometimes it feels no one understands 有時候感覺無人瞭解我
I don’t even know why I do the things I do 甚至我自己也無法理解自己的行為
When pride builds me up till I can’t see my soul 當傲慢高高托起我、以至遺忘了自己靈魂的重要
Will You break down these walls and pull me through? 其時禰能否替我摧毀驕傲這牆,救贖我勝過它的攻擊?

’Cause it’s a long, long journey 因為我知道今生的道路有多漫長
Till I feel that I am worth the price 除非我明白自己身有所值
You paid for me on Calvary 以至於值得基督禰為我在各各他山上
Beneath those stormy skies 在烏雲密佈那天,為我的罪而受難所付出的代價
When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes 那天,撒旦在嘲諷;那天,朋友背叛成敵人

It feels like everything is out to make me lose control 今天猶如凡事都在使我失控、不能自主
’Cause it’s a long, long journey 因為人生的路程會很漫長、艱難
Till I find my way home to You… 直到我踏上引往全能神禰面前的路,歸向禰
Home to You ——直到尋著歸回禰的方向,我的心靈才找到真正的家!

Beautiful Seed


Safe in a Crazy World

Every Beat of My Heart

If You Didn't Love Me


Happy birthday! My friend-Corrinne May - 地圖日記 http://www.atlaspost.com/landmark-9044696.htm#ixzz1eW8o0uG8