Marianne Faithfull 墮落悔悟的天使歌手

Marianne Faithfull 被她那不假修飾、深沈低鳴的嗓音所吸引,經查訪資料是一位從橫跨4個年代(60,70,80,90年代)的歌手,有許多不堪往事,暫且不提.但聽Marianne Faithfull唱歌好像都需要儲存一些勇氣,因為突然地,她那盈滿情感能量的渾厚聲音都會讓人心神飄渺而不能自己,也是慰藉心靈的藥炙良方,溫暖的分享給圖友~

THE HAWK : Mark Isham & Marianne Faithfull

Marianne Faithful - Who will take my dreams away?

There is a ghost - Marianne Faithfull

Marianne Faithfull - Visions of Johanna

Marianne Faithful - Nobody's Fault

Marianne Faithfull - So sad

Marianne Faithfull - Sad Lisa

marianne faithfull - this little bird

Marianne Faithfull - The Pleasure Song

Marianne Faithfull - Crazy Love

Marianne Faithfull - Sister Morphine

Marianne Faithfull - How Many Worlds

Marianne Faithfull - Greensleeves

Marianne Faithfull "Bored By Dreams"


Marianne Faithfull 墮落悔悟的天使歌手 - 地圖日記